Professor Dr Maxi Scherer and Dr Ole Jensen co-author article on the regulation of AI in international arbitration

8 January 2025

In an article published in the Cahiers de l’arbitrage / Paris Journal of International Arbitration, Professor Dr Maxi Scherer, Dr Ole Jensen and Russell Childree explore the emerging body of law that regulates the use of artificial intelligence in international arbitration.  The article advocates for a balanced regulatory approach that relies on soft law and existing legal frameworks rather than imposing new mandatory regulations. This ensures that the full potential of artificial intelligence can be harnessed for the efficient conduct of international arbitrations, while also safeguarding against any misuse.

See Scherer M, Jensen O and Childree R, ‘Regulating the Use of Artificial Intelligence in International Arbitration: The EU AI Act and Beyond’ [2024] Cahiers de l’Arbitrage / Paris Journal of International Arbitration 653, available here: Regulating the Use of Artificial Intelligence in International Arbitration: The EU AI Act and Beyond | La base Lextenso
