
Pierre's experience covers a range of industries and jurisdictions, including disputes in the energy (oil & gas, renewables), construction, mining and telecommunications sectors.

Selected Experience

Assistant to Tribunal Secretaries and ICSID Tribunals

Assisting tribunal secretaries and ICSID tribunals in case management and procedural matters for more than 20 ICSID arbitrations and annulment proceedings covering a range of sectors and different geographical zones.

Counsel (Trainee Lawyer)
  • Assisting counsel in a PCA-UNCITRAL arbitration involving a Saudi real estate investor against a Middle Eastern State regarding a complex large-scale real estate construction project (seat Switzerland, amount in dispute approx. USD 2 billion)
  • Assisting counsel in an ICSID arbitration concerning a European oil and gas company against an African State regarding rights over oil prospective licenses (amount in dispute approx. USD 500 million)
  • Assisting counsel in an ICC arbitration involving a European LNG company against a European State-owned entity regarding a gas price review (seat Paris, French and a North African State laws)


Pierre has received various distinctions for his written and oral advocacy in moot courts, which has included Vis Moot, FDI Moot, Paris International Arbitration Competition and the Sino International Law of the Sea Moot Court Competition.

  • Advanced Programme in International Arbitration, Paris Bar School (2022)
  • Master’s Degree in Comparative Law, valedictorian, cum laude, University Paris II Assas (2021)
  • Master’s Degree in Arbitration and International Trade Law, valedictorian, cum laude, University Paris Saclay (2019)
  • Double degree in Economy and Business Law, Shanghai Normal University (2018)
  • Bachelor of Civil Law, University of Dijon (2016)

Professional Background
    • Associate | Avocat à la Cour, ArbBoutique, France (2024-present)
  • Legal assistant, International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes, Washington, DC, USA (2022-2024)
  • Trainee Lawyer, Paris Bar School, Paris, France (2020-2022)
Academic Positions
      • Teaching Assistant in International Economic Law (Investor-State Dispute Settlement and WTO law), University Paris-Panthéon-Assas, Paris, France (2024)
        • Teaching Assistant in International Economic Law (Trade Law, Investment Law and Investor State Dispute Settlement, Global Business Law), University Paris Saclay, Paris, France (2021-2022)
    Books, Articles, Book Contributions

    Agora on Investment Protection and Armed Conflict, Preface’ (with P. J.-Le Cannu, M. Kinnear), ICSID Review – Foreign Direct Investment Law Journal, 2024

    Contribution in ‘ICSID Background Paper: Compliance with and Enforcement of ICSID Awards’, June 2024

    Blogs, Notes and Reviews
    • Book review of The Cambridge Companion on International Arbitration by C. L. Lim (ed), CUP 2021’, 2 Revue critique de droit international privé, 2023, 521-526
    • FDI Moot 2021: Second Highest Ranked Respondent Memorial’ (with Paris Bar School), 6 TDM Transnational dispute Management, 2021
    Speaking Engagements
    • Introduction in Investor-State Dispute Settlement (and careers in international dispute resolution)’ (with ICSID), NYU Abu Dhabi, 23 April 2024
    • Introduction to ICSID arbitration and careers advices’, University Paris Saclay, Paris, France, 7 March 2024
    • Chinese Foreign Direct Investments and Belt and Road Initiative’, Shanghai Normal University Belt and Road Forum, Shanghai, PRC, February 2018

    Personal Details


    Prof Dr Maxi Scherer

    Niuscha Bassiri

    Dr Ole Jensen

    Emily Hay

    Pierre Nosewicz